About: Amanda is a creative, strategic thinker with expertise in nonprofit management and organizational growth and development. She is an inspiring story-teller with experience creating a wide-range of materials including strategic plans, annual reports, grant proposals, budgets and more. She has worked with over 60 national and international nonprofits, foundations, hospitals and universities, raising $23 million from private foundations, corporations and state and federal government agencies.
Past clients have included: Partners for Andean Community Health (Ecuador), Haiti Children, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado, Urban Land Conservancy, Special Olympics, Kids Mobility Network, Rocky Mountain Adventist Hospital Foundation, Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson's Disease, Hispanic Access Foundation, Clinica Tepeyac, Metro Community Provider Network (an FQHC), Metropolitan Education District (MetroED), Academy of Urban Learning, Malaika Kids Tanzania, Empower Tanzania, and Global Orphan Relief, among many others.
Education and Board Service: Amanda holds an MA in International Policy and Development from the Monterey Institute of International Studies and a BA in International Relations and Spanish. She has traveled, lived and worked in over 30 countries, and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Nguzo Women and Youth Foundation in Tanzania. 
Amanda is open to new opportunities.

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